최신 기사 추천 기사 연재 기사 마빡 리스트

PAK SE RI Interview

1998-07-06 00:00

작자미상 추천0 비추천0

PAK SE RI Interview

아래는 골프웹에 실린 그녀의 인터뷰 (거의)전문이다. 독자들의 영어 실력 향상을 위해 중요한 부분만 해석을 한다. 나머지는 각자 해석해 보기 바란다. ( 해석한 기자가 경상도 넘이라서 좀 헷갈린다. 참고하기 바란다. )

미래시제, 과거시제에 대한 구분을 거의 안하는 것이 그녀 영어의 특징이다. 뭐 특별한 이유가 있는 건 아닌 듯하다... 기냥 왠만하면 I am.. 으로 말해버린다... 그래도 이쁘다.. 박세리...

Kirsten Seaborg: Se Ri, do you just want to talk about how it feels to win your first tournament and have it be a major championship?
Se Ri Pak: It feels great. This is major compete tournament, and this is first win in United States this time. Awesome feeling. Yeah, Im really happy.

우승하이 존나?
억쑤로 조타. 미국에서 첨 우승이 억꾸로 큰 대회라서 더 조타.
기분? 앗싸 가오리.

What do you think the reaction will be like back in Korea?
Se Ri Pak: I would say they are more happy than me. I think so because they want to play good this country. They want to be best golfer, number one. Now this is more close to this. Maybe more happy.

한국에서도 잉간들이 조아하겠제?
내보다 더 조아할끼야. 왜냐믄 울 나라 사람들이 내가 미국에서 잘해가꼬, 남바원이 되삐길 원하거덩.   아마 내보다 더 조아할끼야.

What did the president say to you this morning?
Se Ri Pak: I didnt talk yet. Stephen: He phoned her but I blocked her room -- I mean, I kind of made like a phone block for her so she can have a good sleep last night.

대통려이 전화했다미?
아직 말 몬해봤다.
(코치)세리가 디비자야 되는데 전화왔는기라.. 내가 막았뿌따.

What time did he call help?
Se Ri Pak: He phoned this morning eight forty-five and he wished her good luck and he tried to give her some encouragement and then I was sorry that she wasnt able to -- she couldnt talk with him.

글마가 언제 전화했는데?
코치)오늘 아침 845분에 전화해가 잘치라 카데.. 그래가 내가 세리는 지금 전화 몬 받씸더이. 그카이 안냥. 미안...그래 했다.

Do you know how to spell his name?
Se Ri Pak: He is the former president. His last name is Chun, C H U N. And first name is D, as in dog, O O, W H A N.

글마 이름이 머꼬?
글마는 전직 대통령인기라. 성은 Chun, 이름은 dog 그칼 때 그 D, 그라고 O 두나에다가 , Whan . (전두환 이름 설명으로 이렇게 좋은 예는 일찍이 없었다.)

2 words or one word --
Se Ri Pak: 2 words.

-- when we write that?
Stephen: Hyphen between Doo and Whan. Chun is last name.

Is he a former president or he is the president?
Stephen: He is the former president. And he played golf with her before.

글마가 현직 대통령이가, 아이모 전직이가.
전직이라 케짜너. (빙신.. )

Sorry. You missed the presidents call?
Se Ri Pak: Yes.

What would you have said to him?
Se Ri Pak: Maybe later say sorry, but I dont know, just sorry.

There was a lot of talk about all the pressure and it seemed like you never felt it. Did you at all?
Se Ri Pak: I didnt think about if I win this tournament. I hope I want to win but I played golf. I didnt think it. I played my best. I just kept playing my game, not thinking of the win or if I could win or not. I was not thinking it, just played the game.

니는 도대체 긴장을 안하는 거처럼 비데 ?
내는 이기고 지고를 생각 안해따. 고마 플레이만 했는기라.

Sir, do you have a sports psychologist? I thought I read something, you know someone you work with on the mental side of the game?
Se Ri Pak: No not yet. Stephen: Her father.

니 혹시 스포츠 심리학자가 바주나? 정신적인 거 누가 도와주나?
심리학자 엄따.
(코치)저거 아부지 봐준다.

How about Jim Lair, no?
Se Ri Pak: No.

Could you tell us what Ledbetter told you last night or what the putting tip?
Se Ri Pak: Last night, I tell him my putting is -- he saw me on the TV. He wanted to talk to me. I got back too late at my room so he tried call me but Im not there. So he talk to me. He said my putting tempo was a little slow and my pattern is big. My ball was jumping, and I call my dad first because of my putting. He know me a lot, so I call my dad on phone and after I finish the call to David.

Ledbetter가 어제밤에 니한테 뭐 도움되는 말 한거 엄나?
어제 밤에 TV로 내를 보고 내캉 전화할라 했거덩.. 근데 내가 방에 너무 늦게 돌아가가.. 그래서 글마가 내한테 전화를 했는데 내가 없었거덩... 그래서 글마가 내한테 말해따... (씨바 먼 말인지 모르게씀..) 우짜던간에 잘해라.. (이하 생략..)

Your father gave you a tip also?
Se Ri Pak: Yes, yes. He said, my dad said too much firm my putting when I hit and thats what he said okay.

Your father said you were too firm?
Se Ri Pak: Yes, too firm.

What else did your dad tell you about today? Did he give you any advice or?
Se Ri Pak: David? --

No, your father.
Se Ri Pak: My dad? No, my dad said everything looks fine but my putting is a little too firm. My dad was talking about my putting and he said dont think about your win or not, just play your game. I said yes, okay, I will. Stephen: And her father called me again this morning to make sure that Se Ri can play better and he gave me some tips how to make her comfortable.

아니 너거 아부지.
울 아부지? 아니 울 아부지는 다 조은데 내 퍼팅이 쫌 딱딱하다 카더라. 이기고 지는거는 생각하지 말고 니 게임이나 해라. 그카데... 그래서 내는 아라써예... 해따.
(코치)그라고 저거 아부지가 내한테도 전화를 해가 세리가 편안하이 공 치구로 조언을 해따.

Can you tell us any of those,
Stephen: He told me not to talk to Se Ri beginning of day so that she can concentrate on golf because her father is kind of a mental, he is a kind of psychologist. Se Ri Pak: Because he know me a lot. Thats what he said.

뭐라 카던데, 내한테도 갈카 주바.
(코치)저거 아부지는 내한테 그라데... " 니 아침에 세리한테 말걸지마. 정신  집중하구로". 가만보이 저거 아부지는 일종의 심리학자인기라.

Was there any plans for your parents wanted to come here today or yesterday?
Se Ri Pak: My mom and dad, they come June, end of June, that time. They see U.S. Open, maybe few tournaments they follow me. I dont know when they coming.

Did they think about coming here?
Stephen: They already made a plan to come here.

Not this weekend?
Se Ri Pak: No. Probably U.S. Open.

Both parents?
Se Ri Pak: Yes, my mom and dad.

Sir, your fathers name and his occupation.
Stephen: You can get the name from -- because its the background.

What does he do for a living?
Se Ri Pak: Construction. He has construction company.

Do you get the feeling this might be the first of several wins now that you have one?
Se Ri Pak: I dont know. I try every tournament, try, then later I try, too, but every time I do my best, then I can make tournament. Yeah, I dont want to think I want to win this tournament, a lot, every tournament. Yeah, I want to win but its not easy. I play my game. I try to do my best, then I can one day later some day I can win.

인자 이거 우승해가 아프로도 마이 이길꺼 같나?
참네.. 내가 우찌 아노. 내는 마 최선을 다하는기라. 이기고 지고 생각안하고. 물론 이기고 싶제. 근데 그기 쉽나. 그냥 내 플레이를 하는기라. 최선을 다하모 안 이기겠나...

You seem rather calm but have you ever been happier?
Se Ri Pak: I am very, very happy because I win major. This is big tournament. Its my first year and I win quick, so Im really happy, yes, so happy.

Are you playing next week?
Se Ri Pak: No, I dont play.

Next week?
Se Ri Pak: No. Stephen: We have one week break then we playing from Rochester for 3 weeks.

What were you thinking when you were walking up the eighteenth fairway with the 3 shot lead?
Se Ri Pak: I am not thinking about my score and win. I want to finish 18 holes first, then later, then I win, then Im really happy.

So it wasnt concrete?
Se Ri Pak: No. But Im happy because many people, they loud and they watch me. They just say they want to say good and everything. It feels like you know, like I fly, good.

Were you getting frustrated by your putting and what did you tell yourself before you hit the putt on 15?
Se Ri Pak: 15, before my putting was little bit, it feels bad before. So I 15 holes, maybe hit a little firm, then I can make it. That time was a little firm, wow. Finally, its in. I was happy.

Do you have any plans to be in Korea soon?
Se Ri Pak: My friends?

한국으로 금방 돌아갈 계획 있나?
(동문서답) 내친구들은 와?

Do you have any plans to be in Korea soon?
Se Ri Pak: I dont know yet. I dont know yet.

그말이 아이고, 한국에 금방 돌아갈끼냐고.
아직 모린다. 몰라.

When is it possible for you to return to Korea, see your parents?
Se Ri Pak: This year we will go to field tournament. But just now Koreans is bad because they dont have any tournaments. They have big tournament but they canceled it. I want to go but later, many big tournaments here, maybe I cannot go. But I try.

There have been some comparisons between you and Tiger Woods. Do you like those comparisons or what do you think of comparisons like that?
Se Ri Pak: Yes, I like, but I dont want to copy him in everything because I do my best. Everything like Tiger Woods, you can do it. Every time Tiger Woods and me, right, every time like in between me. I dont like that. Me first, then later Tiger. Im first, later Tiger. I want it that way.

니캉 타이거우즈캉 비교하는데, 니는 그거우째 생각하노?
좋긴한데, 글마 복사품이 되는건 실커덩. (가운데 궁시렁거린 건 절대로 못 알아듣겠음..) 하여간 내는 내가 먼저. 타이거 나중에. 이런식으로 취급되는기를 바라는기라.

You were staring at the Leader Boards on the front 9 checking out your situation. What did you think?
Se Ri Pak: I wasnt thinking. Because I have many holes left, so I dont know when, who come up or who play well today. I didnt think about that score. I didnt think about other players and score.

How did you feel after Lisa made the 2 birdies on 10 and 11 and tied you?
Se Ri Pak: No.

리사가 10번과 11번 홀에서 버디를 잡아가 동점 됐을때 기분?

No feeling?
Se Ri Pak: No feeling because I have many holes left. No feeling.

암 느낌이 엄써따고? 우예?
엄써따니까. 왜냐면 아직 홀이 마니 나마써짜나.

And when see she bogeyed 13?
Se Ri Pak: Same, I didnt think about her score or my score, no.

Were you ever afraid, Se Ri, at any time today or during the tournament, were you ever afraid?
Se Ri Pak: No. I play happy, happy. I play happy.

What type of music do you like, what do you do for entertainment for yourself?
Se Ri Pak: I like music a lot but sometime I want to listen fast dance music and sometime I want to listen to classic. Sometimes I like it mixed.

How will you celebrate tonight?
Se Ri Pak: Tonight? Nothing special, ready to go home and sleep and eat dinner, nothing to drink.

Are you going to the Outback again?
Se Ri Pak: No. Finished.

Did you call your father already?
Se Ri Pak: Not yet. Maybe my mom and dad, they ring me later.

When will you go back to Korea and what do you think it will be like when you do?
Se Ri Pak: I dont know. I dont know when I go back to Korea, maybe when I go there they say wow, maybe Im busy. Maybe Im very busy.

Are you going to be afraid of what the reaction is going to be? Youre going to be swamped so much?
Se Ri Pak: I think -- I dont know. Stephen: She is used to that. In Korea she is number one golf player and everyone is following her. When she goes back she will be, you know, as usual, she will face them as usual. She is used to them.

You had a lot of Korean fans in your gallery today. Could you hear them saying things to you?
Se Ri Pak: Yes.

오늘 한국팬들이 많이 왔데.. 그사람들이 뭐라 카는지 들리더나?

What kind of things were they saying?
Se Ri Pak: They say yea, Se Ri. Yea, good.

거러췌.. 바로 그거야, 세리. 바로 그거야. 조아 조아.

Just cheering for you in general?
Se Ri Pak: Yes. Saying yea.

그러케 응원만 하더나?
응.. 그냥 바로 그기야 그라더라.

Did you hear anything interesting?
Se Ri Pak: No, they say yea, yea, yea, go, go.

뭐 특별한 말은 안하더나?
아니. 그냥  거러췌, 바로 그기야.. 다 직이삐.. 다 쎄리 직이삐.. 그랬다..

When you were coming up in golf, did you have heros or anyone that you liked to watch play or pattern yourself after?
Se Ri Pak: In Korea?

니가 조아하거나 따라하고 싶은 영웅 골퍼는 엄써나?
한국에서? (여기서부터 동문서답 행진 시작)

Well, around the world. I mean there have been other Asian players on the LPGA Tour. I wondered if you noticed their play or anything like that?
Se Ri Pak: Many players that would like to be like me now. Many players they want to play to be here, maybe next year, but now Korea its difficult. I dont know but few Korean players coming here to play, I know that. But they like to like me a lot, you know, they are children. They play now. Many Korean boys and girls, they play a lot in golf now.

전세계에서, 그라니까 예전에도 LPGA에 다른 아시아 선수도 있었단 말이야. 그 런 잉간들 중에 아는 아 없써냐고.
(동문서답-한국에서 지를 영웅으로 알고 따라하고 싶은 사람이 없겠느냐는 질문으로 알아들음) 내 따라 할라는 사람 인자 많을끼야. 여서 공치고 싶어하는 사람 많제. 지금 한국사정이 안좋차나. 알라들은 내 좋아한다. 우짜고 저짜고...

But did you have somebody that you looked up to who played here on the L P G A tour, somebody who was already here and you were in Korea?
Se Ri Pak: I know they want to come a few players but Im not sure whether they come or not. I dont know. Maybe they. Stephen: A couple players want to come to -- a couple of players want to come to U.S. A and since I have an exclusive contract I cannot help them.

그기 아이고, 니가 한국에 있을때 이미 여 LPG에서 플레이하던 사람중에 존경하거나 그랬던 사람 엄냐고.
(계속 동문서답) 글쎄.. 여기에 몇명이나 오겠노. 몰겠다.
(코치)몇명 여기 오고 싶어한다.

They are asking if she had an idol or someone that she looked up to like Nancy Lopez, somebody American?
Se Ri Pak: I want to be best, number one, nobody copy me.

Did you have anyone that you looked up to?
Se Ri Pak: Nancy Lopez, yeah, or -- I dont know her name. I dont know. Joanne Carner.

You want to be like Joanne Carner?
Se Ri Pak: Yes. Arnold Palmer.

How much did Jeff Cable help you on the golf course, your caddy. How much did he help you?
Se Ri Pak: He helped me a lot. He made me fun and sometimes he made mistake, sometime, but he is funny. He is nice. He is perfect, I like him. He is strong, every time I put extra stuff in my bag.

What is the fastest -- you ran in the hundred meter?
Se Ri Pak: Yes.

니 백미 달리기도 했다미?

What was your fastest?
Se Ri Pak: 13 seconds.

기록이 얼만데?

And hold how old where you when you did that?
Se Ri Pak: 13 years old.

And what does Se Ri mean in English, is there a translation?
Stephen: Authentic Korean word. There is no translation for it.

세리가 영어로 무슨 뜻이고?
고마 한국말이다. 해석 몬해.

Ms. Seaborg: Any more questions for Se Ri. Thank you

질문 더 엄나? 고마버. 

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