최신 기사 추천 기사 연재 기사 마빡 리스트







[ How to view DDanjiilbo on non-Korean windows systems ]

DDanjiilbo editorial department.

 Install "Microsoft Global IME (2.01MB)" program in your computer.

 Reboot your computer.

 If you are using "Netscape"

 Open "Preference" panel under "EDIT" menu and change setup like below picture.
 Go to "Character set" menu under "View" menu and change character to "Korean(Auto-Detect)"


 If you are using "Internet Explorer"


Go to "Edit" Menu. Open "Internet Option" and bring "Fonts" and "Language Preference" window. Change "Fonts" setup like below picture.







- Taihyun Kim
( taihyunkim@hotmail.com )










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