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1999-08-23 00:00

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 워싱턴포스트 원문


In S. Korea, Presidents Dont Just Fade Away


A Former Rival Blasts the Incumbent


By Doug Struck
Washington Post Foreign Service


1. (SEOUL) South Korea has this problem with its presidents.


2. One of them was shot. One was exiled. Two were overthrown by coups, two others hauled off to prison.


3. "Its embarrassing," said a government official.


4. The only ex-president not on that list now seems determined to carve his own mark of dubious distinction. At a time when politics-weary South Koreans yearn for a gracious departure of some of their aging leaders, Kim Young Sam just wont shut up and go away.


5. Kim, who was president from 1993 to 1998, is determined to deflate the heroic international stature of his successor, President Kim Dae Jung. The former president accuses the current president of being a dictator, practicing oppression, media control and wiretapping.


6. "He has intentions to continue in political power forever," Kim Young Sam said. To prevent that, Kim said he wants to reenter the political arena to battle his old rival before next Aprils National Assembly elections.


7. His animosity to Kim Dae Jung is clear. The two men have been rivals for 40 years, sometimes cooperating in the ever-shifting calculus of Korean politics, sometimes competing, but rarely friendly.


8. But his stinging accusations against Kim Dae Jung, the man known as "the Nelson Mandela of South Korea" for his long struggle against dictatorial rule, makes a lot of South Koreans cringe.

. "People want Kim Young Sam to be quiet and write his memoirs," said Jay K. Yoo, a member of the National Assembly.


10. But even as they wince at the blunt language, a surprising number of Koreans say they agree with the gist of Kim Young Sams charges.


11. Despite his reputation, and despite his steady handling of the South Korean economic crisis in his first 18 months in office, there is a sense of disappointment in Kim Dae Jung, according to politicians, analysts and citizens on the street.


12. His popularity within South Korea has dropped. His ruling coalition is fraying. And opponents such as Kim Young Sam sense a vulnerability that has caused them to hone their political knives.


13. "I believe President Kim has turned his back on his past," said Lee Hoi Chang, president of the opposition Grand National Party. Kim, he said, has fallen into "regionalism, cronyism and boss politics."


14.The immediate causes of Kims popularity decline, his supporters acknowledge, are the corruption scandals that started bedeviling the Kim administration last spring.


15. Kims economic adviser was dismissed when he could not explain why a burglar had found $100,000 in his home. The justice minister was fired for fomenting a strike after barely surviving an uproar over his wifes acceptance of a fur coat from a jailed tycoons spouse. The environment minister, actress Sohn Sook, was dismissed in June for taking a $20,000 cash payment from a Korean businessman. Last month, another Kim protege and his wife were charged with taking $400,000 in bribes from a banker.


16. Adding to the scandals is the sense that President Kim, 73, is wielding power with the same political ruthlessness of his predecessors. Critics say he has packed government positions with his home-region supporters, targeted opponents for investigation, leaned on the news media and favored certain business groups. And he appears ready to back out of a pledge to support a parliamentary system of government by the end of this year.


17. "He has set the moral standard higher," insisted Park Jung Ho, the presidents press secretary. "From the beginning, he said he will make a corruption-free society. But he cant do it right away." As to the other charges: "Kim Dae Jung was a defender of human rights and liberty. He was a symbol. So if theres any case of freedoms being violated, he would not tolerate it."


18. But the whiff of politics as usual has soured some South Koreans who had expected something different when they elected--for the first time--an opposition party led by a man who had put his life on the line for democracy.


19. "I am very disappointed in him," said Juang He Cho, a 38-year-old computer programmer. "This last time, I finally decided to vote for him because I really thought it would bring change. It hasnt."


20. That is where Kim Young Sam reenters the stage. A stout 71-year-old with a silky wave of gray hair, Kim Young Sam said he expected to be content to accept political retirement, enjoying the life of a grandfather in his elegant Seoul house lined with pictures of himsel with world leaders.


21. But Kim said the more he saw the "suppression" of democracy by his successor, the angrier he got. And when Kim Dae Jung boasts of reversing the economic and political ills he inherited, Kim Young Sam steams.


22. "Hes blaming everything on me," complained Kim Young Sam. In that, though, President Kim is repeating conventional wisdom. When the economy collapsed with stunning swiftness in November 1997, Kim Young Sam was widely reported at the time to have been helpless--and former aides concur.


23. Kim Dae Jung, who had been elected but had not taken office, stepped in in an extraordinary unofficial assumption of power, and began working with the International Monetary Fund to restore the economys health. Many, though not all, economic indicators and the South Korean stock market have rebounded.


24. But Kim Young Sam complained that "DJ," as the president is known, "is responsible for 50 percent of the failure of the economy"--for positions he took while in the opposition. What angers him even more, he said, is the "retribution politics" he said the current administration is practicing.





[WP지] "YS의 DJ 깎아내리기 한국인 상당수 동의"


미국 워싱턴포스트지는 17일 김영삼 전 대통령이 조용한 은퇴 생활을 박차고 오랜 정적인 김대중 대통령을 맹공격중이며,현 정부의 잇단 부패 스캔들 등으로 인한 약점 때문에 김대통령의 인기가 떨어지고, 놀랄 정도로 많은 사람이 김 전 대통령의 주장에 동의하고 있다고 보도했다.


포스트는 서울발 한국에서 전직 대통령들은 사라지지 않는다 라는 기사에서 "YS는 DJ의 영웅적인 국제적 지위를 꺾어놓기로 결심했다"며 "YS는 김대통령이 독재자이며, 언론탄압과 도청 등 억압을 펼치고 있다고 주장하고 있다"고 소개했다.


포스트는 "한국의 넬슨 만델라로 알려진 김대통령의 명성과 지난 18개월 동안 꾸준한 한국 경제위기 회복 노력 등에도 불구하고, 정치인들과 분석가들, 그리고 시민들이 김대통령에 대한 실망감을 보였다"며,놀라울 정도로 많은 한국인들이 YS의 주장에 동의했다고 보도했다.


이 신문은 김대통령의 인기가 하락, 취약점을 노출하면서 YS같은 정적들은 칼을 갈 수 있는 계기를 제공했다며, 이같은 인기 하락의 직접적 이유는 한국 사상 최초의 야당 집권이라는 기대를 안고 출범한 현 정부에서도 부패 관련 스캔들이 계속됐기 때문이라고 전했다. 포스트는 유종근 전북지사 집절도사건과 옷파동, 파업유도 의혹, 손숙 전 환경부장관 촌지 수수 시비, 임창열 경기지사 사건 등을 소개했다.


신문은 또 한국의 전직 대통령 중 1명은 암살, 1명은 망명, 2 명은 쿠데타로 실권, 2명은 감옥행 등의 불행한 과거를 겪어왔다고 보도했다.


 연합 뉴스



" 사라지지 않는 한국의 대통령들 "


한국의 전직 대통령들이 퇴임 후 보여 주고있는 행보가 마침내 미국 언론의 도마에도 올랐다.


미국의 권위지 가운데 하나인 워싱턴 포스트는 17일 `사라지지 않는 한국의 대통령들이라는 제목으로 장문의 서울발 기사를 국제면에 싣고 김영삼 전대통령의 정치 재개에 대한 한국민들의 비판적인 시각을 소개했다.


포스트는 한국에서는 대통령들이 문제라며 전직 대통령 가운데 한 명은 암살됐고 한 명은 망명 길에 올랐으며, 두 명은 쿠데타로 쓰러졌고 다른 두 명은 교도소로 끌려갔다고 꼬집었다.


신문은 이러한 전철을 밟지 않은 유일한 케이스인 김 전 대통령이 연로한 지도자들의 우아한 은퇴를 바라는 한국민들의 갈망에는 아랑곳 없이 현직인 김대중 대통령을 몰아붙이고 있다고 말했다.


신문은 두 사람이 지난 40년간 정치적 상황에 따라 때로는 서로 협력하고, 때로는 서로 다투는 라이벌로 지냈지만 우호적이었던 적은 거의 없다며 김 전 대통령은 김대통령이 독재자로 변해 탄압하고 언론을 통제하며 도청을 자행하고 있다고 독설을서슴지 않고 있으나 많은 국민이 이에 염증을 느끼고 있다고 전했다.


포스트는 그러나 상당수의 국민이 김 전 대통령의 이러한 행태에 얼굴을 찡그리면서도 그의 주장에 동의한다고 밝히고 있다고 지적했다.


포스트는 김 대통령이 자신의 명성과 집권 18개월만의 경제회복이라는 업적에도 불구하고 잇따른 부패 스캔들과 편중 인사, 표적 사정 등으로 점수를 잃자 김 전 대통령을 비롯한 반대파가 틈을 놓치지 않고 정치의 칼을 갈고 나선 것이라고 덧붙였다.








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